November 19, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell, Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners discussed land proposals for the detention facility. Commissioner Blain noted Norm Stevens was at Joliet Town Council last night requesting the property be annexed into the Town of Joliet. Commissioner Bullock noted he has heard lots of pushback from Red Lodge residents for other sites adjacent to the City of Red Lodge.
8:50 Mary Cameron joined Commissioners for public comment. She asked about establishing a regular schedule for DUI Task Force meetings. Red Lodge Mayor Ed Williams, Community Development Director James Caniglia, Steve Roi, Carbon County News reporter Eleanor Guerrero were also present.
9:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2019-15 Requesting Transfer of Local Government Road Construction and Maintenance Match Program Funds Previously Distributed; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Mayor Larson asked Commissioners regarding land sites and if they were looking at something in the Red Lodge vicinity and if they City could assist with anything. Commissioner Bullock noted the public pushback that has been received for any sites in the City. Commissioner Blain noted Commissioners would pursue any site that may be an option; he noted the importance of connecting the facility to municipal water and sewer because of the costs associated with standalone systems. 9:05 Red Lodge City Council President Glory Mahan joined the meeting. James noted Public Works has an idea of what it may take to get water and sewer to the property near the airport. James also noted there is the potential for some of that cost to be recovered by hanger owners that desire connection to City services. Commissioner Blain noted Commissioners hope to have sites narrowed down mid-December. Glory noted the Beartooth Elks Lodge was awarded a $2000 literacy grant for the Red Lodge library.
Steve asked about speed zones and reducing speed between mile marker 72 and the current 45 mph zone by the hospital on Highway 212; Commissioner Bullock presented a speed study from the Montana Department of Transportation. The Study did not recommend an adjustment to the current speed zones.
Commissioners and Steve Roi discussed the various issues that have brought the need for a detention facility to the forefront including issues with long distance transports.

Commissioners Discussed road pavement project priorities for the Capital Improvement Plan. Repave Red Lodge Clear Creek Road in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021. New pavement on South River Road one mile south of the East Bridger Road intersection in Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023. Pavement preservation project on Whitehorse Road South to its intersection with U.S. 212/310 in fiscal year 2024 and maybe 2025 depending on funding.
10:15 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve interlocal with Bridger for planning services; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the renewal with Correctional Risk Services Excess Inmate Medical Insurance; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept Justice Court End of Period Disbursement for October 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock noted the initial design for the Red Lodge Shop sand shed was double what was budgeted. He will be working with the Architect on an alternative.
11:20 Marcella Manuel and Phil Manken met with Commissioners to discussed Detention Facility land proposals. Phil presented a draft plat for a 5-acre parcel owned by Norm and Gail Stevens on the southern boundary of Joliet. Phil noted they would be willing to do a boundary line relocation to increase the size if the County wanted more land. Phil asked the Commissioners if the land would be purchased ahead of the bond approval. Commissioner Blain the terms of the sale are negotiable and the County may be willing to purchase the land outright to secure a site. Phil noted the Stevens’s would be agreeable to an earnest deposit and/or tax relief to secure the property until the bond measure is voted on. Marcella asked if more sites would be considered; Commissioners confirmed that they will accept additional proposals. Commissioners noted the would like the site selected by mid-December or early January at the latest. Marcella asked if site on Highway 78 was still being considered. Commissioners confirmed they have taken that site out of consideration. The opposition from golf course residents was overwhelming and they don’t want the bond to fail based on the site selected. Marcella has another site to propose.
Commissioners discussed the Pryor Mountain Wind Farm Impact Fee. They do not feel it is necessary to place limitations on how the Bridger School District can spend the funds, but would like some limitations on how the County’s funds can be spent to limit requests for funds and to ensure there is funding for issues that may come up 20-30 years down the road.

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer