November 29, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Bill Bullock and Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
8:45 GIS/DES officer Tom Kohley met with the commissioners to request support for further grant applications from PSCB and 911. The commissioners provided letters of support for grant applications to enhance the mapping capacity at the 911 Dispatch Center and to improve the Land Mobile Radio System. Tom presented an access agreement with BLM for the Bridger radio tower.
9:00 Nationwide 457 Deferred Compensation Plan changes. Tom Kohley stayed for the discussion. The county has three options to choose from which affect the fixed account. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Option 3 (default option – current GMIR will be maintained on existing balances only but no new contributions made to the fixed account); Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
9:20 Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the minutes of November 26, 2018; Commissioner Bullock seconded the motion; motion carried.
9:25 Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz presented the commissioners with the Cooperative Law Enforcement Annual Operating Plan & Financial Plan for 2019. Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the annual plan; Commissioner Bullock seconded the motion; motion carried. The group had a discussion on payments/stipend to the deputy handling the new drug dog; will discuss further when new details are presented.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon, Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley and Civil Attorney Jacque Papez in attendance. Jacque gave an update on the Burgan case; possible trial sometime before summer of 2019. Will know more in mid-January. Heard from Industrial’s attorney in response to their latest notice; on site review and documentation will need to be scheduled. The group discussed what’s next in the process. Jacque has worked on updating her civil contract based on her work with the Industrial case; will present it to the commissioners when approved by her firm and Alex and Shannon. Now that the radio replacement system will be in place, Shannon thought they could start focusing on a stricter timeline. Discussed continuing issue with the sally port lack of drain system. Also discussed county taking on the fix and moving forward but looking at keeping options open depending on original contract terms.

Alvin Ellis dropped in to ask what the current snow plow policy is. His road hadn’t been plowed from the last two snow storms until after it had packed down. What is the criteria? Commissioner Bullock assured Mr. Ellis that the road crew will get out there.
11:00 Casey Collins from Greg Gianforte’s office met with the commissioners. Commissioner Bullock asked about when we’ll receive FEMA funds and how much; county is expecting 100%. Would also like to see something done to lift some of the extreme flood insurance regulations and rates and flood plain allocations to make it feasible for the county and its residents. Gianforte’s office is looking at: new disaster emergency discussions; supporting “Good neighbor authority” down to the counties for projects that need to be done particularly for counties adjacent to government lands; the Resilient forest act to increase access to cutting and mitigation of forests; and the Gateway to Yellowstone act to prevent mining in park corridors. Commissioner Bullock asked for assistance on how the Opportunity Zone program works and how to put it into place.
12:00 Lunch

Respectfully submitted: Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder