October 15, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:50 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator/Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting to discuss surplus equipment opportunities for dozers. Discussion about potentially rescinding fire restrictions next week.

9:00 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall and Election Administrator Macque Bohleen joined to discuss November General Election preparations. Election judges are dropping out due to becoming official contacts to COVID-19 positive cases. Bohleen met with Chief Judges yesterday to discuss COVID-19 strategies. Judges are concerned about electors entering polling places wearing electioneering apparel. Sheriff Deputies will not be on-site all day, but will be in the area on Election Day; Red Lodge Chief Jason Wells will provide police to assist in Red Lodge. Election Judges have been instructed to call 911 directly if there are any safety concerns. Bohleen has coordinated all necessary Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for the eight polling places and their alternates.

Commissioner Bullock moved to re-appoint Harris Gabrian to the Fire District #7 Red Lodge Board for the remainder of a 3-year term commencing June 1, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for September 24th and Oct 1st; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:30 City of Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock updated that COVID-19 cases have increased to 50 active cases in the County; Carbon County residents working in Billings appear to be an issue in contributing to transmission. Mayor Larson reported that he appointed Steve Smith to fill the Airport Board position vacated by Craig Hash. He reported that plans are underway to reconstruct the City Pool facility and that the overhauled skate park opened yesterday. The City has implemented a additional 1% Stormwater utility fee to provide matching funds for grants to overhaul its systems; the City hopes this fee and dedicated grant matching funds will prevent the City from having to decline future grant awards because of the inability to provide matching funds.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting. Discussion regarding the mask order issued several months ago by County Health Officer Dr. Bill George, MD that is in addition to Governor Bullock’s state-wide masking directive. Nixon felt that the County order is worthwhile to maintain as a tool due to having more flexibility in enforcement; a County order allows for Criminal prosecution while the Governor’s directive only allows for Civil prosecution. The discussion will continue at Tuesday’s Board of Health meeting. Regarding ADA complaint procedures required for the Roberts Water Project’s Community Block Development Grant, the County Attorney’s office will be designated as the recipient of ADA Complaints.

10:30 Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering joined the meeting to discuss a Task Order for professional services for the proposed Detention Facility. The purpose of the Task Order is to further refine previous engineering analysis on the water and sewer extensions with the purpose of developing an annexation plan for approval by the Town of Joliet. Moore described it as a two-step process: 1) Interstate Engineering would coordinate with the Town Public Works Director and City Engineer to determine a recommended conceptual design for the Town’s water and sewer extensions; the Engineer has developed conceptual level cost estimates that will be refined to meet the requirements for the Town of Joliet to proceed with annexing the property; 2) Utilizing the design memo and exhibit for water and sewer extensions, the Engineer would work with the Town of Joliet Attorney and Town Engineer to develop an Annexation Extension of Service Plan based upon annexing Tract 1-C-1 of COS 982 RB. Per the Buy-Sell Agreement, annexation is the responsibility of the Seller (ie Norman and Geraldine Stevens). Commissioners decided to delay the Task Order with Moore and continuing his services under his General Services Agreement. Newell recommended drafting an Interlocal Agreement with Joliet to further the Annexation process.

11:00 Airport Board Meeting joined by Merrill Pfeifer; Steve Smith; Gary Herem; County Contract Engineer Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering (tele-conference); Ryan Hayes (tele-conference); Red Lodge hangar owners: Bill Morean, Bo Ewald, Andy Teetzel; and prospective Red Lodge site lessee Lance Brill.

12:45 Adjourned.
