October 29, 2015
Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Grewell moved to approve meeting minutes for October 1st, 5th, 8th, 15th, and 19th; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners signed records disposal request from Clerk & Recorder Marcia Henigman for records that no longer need to be retained as the Fiscal Year 2015 Audit has been completed.
9:05 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners regarding County business. They discussed the market analysis for the Bridger Cemetery land swap; as the land the County would be gaining is worth more than what they are trading for Alex does not have concerns with the difference in value.
9:40 Road Superintendent Shawn Mains met with Commissioners to discuss road maintenance issues. Shawn asked if price of cattle guard installations should be increased to accommodate the longer 24’ length required by Resolution 2015-15. Commissioners requested Shawn price out the cost of materials for the longer cattle guards so the fee can be reviewed.
10:00 Randall and Debbie Elton met with Commissioners regarding utility right of way on County property near the Edgar school. The Elton’s are interested in purchasing the property for better wintertime access to their property. Commissioners noted the Elton’s have the access they desire; they are not interested in selling the land at this point in time.
10:30 Commissioner Grewell moved to accept the Geographic Information Systems License Agreement between Carbon County, the City of Red Lodge, and Red Lodge Rural Fire District #7; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.
Margaret with Nationwide met with Commissioners about adding the ProAccount and Plan Loan Procedures as options to the Governmental 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. Agreements for those additions will be signed next week.
11:00 Airport Board Meeting. Merrill Pfeifer, Lonnie Sanford, and Wally Zook were present. Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the August 27, 2015 Airport Board meeting minutes; Wally Zook seconded; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant