October 8, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:40 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall and Election Administrator Macque Bohleen joined the meeting. Discussion regarding the upcoming General Election with respect to COVID-19; Commissioner Bullock will coordinate with Beartooth Billings Clinic who will provide staff to sanitize during the day. Commissioners will spearhead social distancing measures for the bigger precincts such as Red Lodge and Joliet. Commissioners authorized having County staff on stand-by for as-needed resources on Election Day, allowing for over-time with Holiday Pay.

9:20 Treasurer Lori Lynde joined the meeting to present the quarterly Collateral Report. Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the report; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock updated Larson regarding COVID-19, specifically that Billings hospitals are at capacity and therefore there has been a waiting period of about 12 hours for a transfer from Beartooth Billings Clinic to Billings. Despite a slight surge in active cases in the County, schools are not discussing closures at this time. Discussion regarding the Airport Board pursuing Montana Aeronautics Board grant funds for a runway re-pavement, as well as developing a Master Plan as a first step in pursuing future Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Funds.

9:45 LaNette Jones and Jessica Salo of Great West Engineering tele-conferenced to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Roberts Service Line Project and its requirement for the County to have an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and Section 504 Complaint Procedures. The goal of the Transition Plan is to conduct an inventory of the County’s public buildings and create a plan to make them ADA-compliant. Funds cannot be drawn-down for the CDBG grant until this plan is in place; timeline is March 2021 at a cost of $50k; there may be grant funds available to draft the plan with a 30% local match requirement.

10:00 Contracted Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez joined the meeting. Meeting closed to discuss litigation strategy. 10:15 Meeting re-opened.

12:00 Adjourned.
