17 West 11th Street

County Commissioners

Regular Meeting Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Public Comment Period: 8:30 a.m.

Carbon County Ordinances

Ordinance           Description

3/3/1998              Prohibition on Exotic Dancing in Establishments where Alcohol is Served

10/7/1982            Control Dogs Within Carbon County

91-1                     Floodplain and Floodway Management

96-1                     Directing Treasurer to transfer excess funds to General Fund

97-1                     Establishing the Office of the County Superintendent of Schools as a Part-Time Office

97-2                     Consolidating the Office of the Carbon County Justice of the Peace #2 with that of Carbon County Justice of the Peace #1

98-1                     Establishing Maximum Speed Limits on All County Roads in Carbon County

99-1                     Establishing Speed Limits on Hwy 212 in the Roberts School Zone

08-1                     Administration of the Resort Tax for the Red Lodge Mountain Resort Area in Carbon County

10-1                     Control Vicious Dogs Within Carbon County

10-2                     Control Litter within Carbon County; Procedures for Enforcement

10-3                     Establish Roberts Community Council

10-4                     Formation of Red Lodge-Roberts Ambulance District

10-5                     Approving Commissioners Districts

11-1                     Scilley Mountain Vista Drive Abandon Portion of County Easement

11-2                     Luther Streets and Alleys Vacated

12-1                     Dissolution of Heard District #3

13-1                     Consolidate the Superintendent of Schools Office with the Office of the County Treasurer

18-1                     Control of Litter and Community Decay; Procedures for Enforcement

2020-17               Governing Public Health, Safety and Security for Large Group Functions
