Carbon County Public Health

Mission: Promote, improve, and protect the health and well-being of the people of Carbon County. To work with individuals, families, and the community through a variety of programs, services, and education to prevent and control disease and injury.


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the spread of infection and illness caused by communicable disease through investigation, education, assistance in getting treatment, and treatment follow up.

Communicable diseases include:

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the health of communities through immunization services.

  • Infant
  • Children
  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Influenza Vaccinations
  • COVID-19 Vaccinations
  • Immunization Records
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maternal and child health, senior health, school health, mental and emotional wellness health services.

  • Education and Resources for Pregnant and Post Partum Women
  • Breastfeeding Education
  • Periodic Infant weight checks
  • Reproductive Health Education and Resources
  • Collaboration with WIC Services
  • Promise686 local coordinator for needs of families with children, foster children and adopted children
  • Collaboration with RLFR to provide free car seats
  • Mobile Vaccine Clinics and Services available to all interested entities: Schools, Senior Centers, Group Homes, Employers, etc.
  • Assistance with Case Management for all county residents
  • Suicide prevention and awareness education to individuals and classes
  • Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing resources, guidance, and assistance
  • Connection to confidential resources for substance use assistance and prevention
  • Naloxone and Opioid Overdose prevention resources
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for and respond to public health emergencies, including those related to Homeland Security.

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chronic illness information and support.

CDC Chronic Illnesses

icon tobacco prevention
Tobacco Prevention

promote air quality and prevent disease through Tobacco Prevention and Cessation services.


Communicable Disease Services

Reporting & Contact Studies

State law requires reporting of all communicable diseases to the Public Health Department. Residents with a diagnosed communicable disease receive confidential counseling and education regarding disease treatment and follow-up care from a Public Health Nurse.

Immunization Administration & Services

Immunizations can be administered at the Public Health Office. The cost of immunizations vary according to the vaccine administered and may be billed to your insurance provider. Special programs are available for those without insurance or the resources to pay for immunizations.

CDC Immunization Schedules

Immunizations available through our office include the following:

Record Keeping

The State of Montana maintains a database with immunization records of children throughout the state. The Carbon County Public Health Nurses update and monitor the immunization status of all students attending schools in Carbon County and records this information in the State database. The Carbon County Public Health Nurse reviews and monitors the immunization status of all children in registered Daycare Centers in the county. If you have a question about your child’s immunization status, you can contact our office or your primary care physician for assistance.

Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program

Mission: To address the public health crisis caused by the use of all forms of commercial tobacco products. MTUPP will work to eliminate tobacco use, especially among young people, through statewide programs and policies.

Program Goals: Reduce disease, disability, and death related to tobacco use by:

  • Preventing tobacco use among young people;
  • Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke;
  • Eliminating disparities related to tobacco use and its effects among certain population groups; and
  • Promoting quitting among adults and young people.

Montana Tobacco Quit Line Services

  • A FREE telephone service for all Montanan’s – 1-800-QUIT-NOW
  • A FREE personalized quit plan
  • FREE cessation coaching personalized quit plan
  • 5 FREE pro-active cessation coaching sessions
  • 4 FREE weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patches or lozenges) if appropriate, for cigarette or smokeless tobacco users
  • Chantix at a reduced cost ($50 co-pay per month for three months)
  • Bupropion at reduced cost ($5 co-pay per month for three months)
  • FREE educational materials for health care providers as well as friends and families of tobacco users
  • A fax referral system for health care providers who have patients that want to quit using tobacco (see provider link)
  • Trained staff that offers culturally appropriate services for American Indians
  • Montana Quit Line Hours
    • Monday – Thursday: 7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
    • Friday: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    • We have 24-hour voicemail, so please leave us a message. We will call you back!
  • Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program Quit Line
    1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)

Clean Indoor Air Act

In 2005, the Montana legislature passed the Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA), one of the most important public health policies in state history. Laws like the CIAA reduce heart attack rates by at least 20 percent. They also reduce lung disease, including lung cancer, as well as other debilitating and fatal illnesses, and they protect unborn children and young children from health problems.
The law requires all enclosed public places and workplaces to be smokefree and it requires businesses to prominently place smokefree signs on all public entrances. The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services has adopted rules. The health benefits of the law are three-fold:

  • Patrons and workers alike are protected from the deadly health effects of secondhand smoke exposure.
  • More people who smoke will try to quit.
  • Fewer Montana youth will begin smoking.

If you observe a violation of the Clean Indoor Air Act, you can file a complaint by completing an online form or calling 1-866-787-5247.

Montana Smokefree Housing

The Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program (MTUPP) is promoting comprehensive smokefree policies among Montana public housing authorities and other federal, state, and local rent-restricted, multi-unit housing facilities. Such policies support MTUPP’s mission to improve the health of community members and address the number one cause of preventable disease and death – tobacco use. This project will help achieve MTUPP’s goals of reducing secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in the home among vulnerable, at-risk Montanans, including children and seniors.

Tobacco Free Medical Campus

Hospitals and medical facilities work in many ways to maintain and improve the health of people in their community. Providing an environment for patients, employees, and visitors that promotes and supports healthy lifestyles can help achieve this goal. Policies that create a tobacco-free medical campus contribute to this endeavor by eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke, encouraging tobacco users to quit, and sending a clear message that the use of tobacco does not support good health.

Carbon County is a Tobacco Free Campus as of January 11, 2016.

Youth Empowerment

reACT Against Corporate Tobacco is Montana’s youth empowerment movement which encourages teens to educate their peers about the truth and facts of the tobacco industry. It’s education, motivation, and empowerment for Montana teens who choose to fight against corporate tobacco’s deceptive tactics.

reACT recognizes the power of teens’ determination, influence and ability to effect change. reACT focuses that power toward media literacy, peer education, and grassroots advocacy to motivate all Montana teens to fight back against corporate tobacco.

reACT joins statewide youth empowerment movements across the country in taking a stand and speaking, because Montana teens won’t be ‘replacement smokers’ for the tobacco industry.