September 17, 2015

          Commissioners John Grewell and John Prinkki were present. Commissioner Doug Tucker was in Billings at a meeting with the BLM regarding the Pryor Mountain Road. Correspondence and notes from that meeting are attached.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Commissioner Grewell moved to approve meeting minutes for August 27th, 31st, September 1st, and 2nd, 2015; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

          Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Justice Court End of Period Disbursement Report and Clerk and Recorder’s Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for August 2015; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

          9:20 Road Superintendent Shawn Mains met with Commissioners to discuss road issues.

          10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez met with commissioners to discuss county business. They discussed the 24/7 Program meeting that Jacque and Sheriff Josh McQuillan attended at the beginning of the week. The biggest challenge will be the rural nature of the County and folks having to make it to Red Lodge twice a day to blow into an intoximeter. Discussed the easements for East Rosebud Road; landowners are looking into petitioning the Commissioners to adopt it as a county road after securing the outstanding easements. The Bridger Cemetery District will need to have an appraisal for the parcel of land being swapped with a neighbor to ensure the properties are of similar value. Also discussed progress on the Simulcast project and continued issues.

          Commissioner Grewell moved to approve the Joint Application for Work Performed in Montana Streams for the East Pryor Road Bridge Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) project; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

          10:30 Rick Martin met with Commissioners to review quotes for snowplowing equipment. Three quotes were received: Hesston Billings Farmhand – $22,570; John Deere – $20,750; Billings Kubota – $20,480. It was noted that the Farmhand quote includes a finish mower and soft sided cab rather than the requested hard sided cab the Kubota machine has higher horse power that the other two. Commissioner Grewell moved to accept quote from Billings Kubota and add a mower if it is in the $2,400 range as in the other quotes; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant
