September 24, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek; were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:50 Scott Miller joined the meeting.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for September 15, 17, and 22 of 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:00 COVID-19 Incident Management Team Service Agreements. Gordon Sirrine joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock moved to extend contracts for Jason Mahoney and Madeline Polivka for another month with an expiration of October 31, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; discussion that their hours are few and on an as-needed basis; motion carried. 9:15 Sirrine departed the meeting.

9:30 City of Red Lodge meeting joined by Mayor Bill Larson. Discussion regarding the Red Lodge representative vacancy on the Airport Board due to Craig Hash’s resignation; Mayor Larson will see that the vacancy is noticed. Commissioner Bullock informed Larson of an upcoming meeting with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to discuss the Red Lodge airport; Larson reported that Community Development Director James Caniglia may have found a grant of approximately $25k which would fund a Master Plan; Caniglia will coordinate with Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering to explore costs to draft. Larson shared that Resort Tax revenues are on-par with 2019 despite COVID-19 restrictions. Commissioner Bullock shared that the County will be pursuing a bond election for a Detention Facility.
10:00 Deputy County Attorney Mike Ellinghouse joined the meeting. Discussion regarding Sheriff McQuillan’s request to have evidentiary vehicles moved to Bridger. Discussion regarding Industrial Communications litigation; County is waiting to take depositions after COVID-19 delay. 10:05 Meeting closed to discuss litigation; 10:07 Meeting re-opened.

10:30 Road Priority List review. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve changing Cottonwood Road in Warren from Priority 1 to Priority 3, East Wilsey Rd from Priority 1 to Priority 2, Chilcott Rd from Priority 2 to Priority 1, and Leslie Rd from Priority 2 to Priority 1; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Personal Services Building Remodel Bid Review joined by Gary Levine of Spectrum Architects and Steve Morgan of Morgan Contractors. Two bids received: Heart Mountain Construction for $100,000.00 and Morgan Contractors $78,900.00

Discussion regarding the likelihood of CARES Act reimbursement for this project, without which the remodel will not take place.

Commissioners will re-engage with their contacts at MACo about funding this project.

Discussion regarding next week’s MACo conference and designating Newell as proxy for voting purposes; Newell will check with MACo to determine process for designation.

12:15 Adjourned.
