September 29, 2016

Commissioners John Grewell was present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:40 John Husar came in to ask if the Commissioners had considered the Mud Springs Wind Project’s New and Expanding Industry Application. Commissioner Grewell noted the application had not yet been discussed as Commissioner Prinkki has been out of the office and they would like to discuss it when all commissioners are present. John Husar will attend Monday’s meeting at 9:00 to discuss the application.

11:00 Safety Committee Meeting. Pam Schwend, Jane Swanson-Webb, Nikki Bailey, Lola Ashby, Tom Kohley, Judy Prinkki, Josh Juarez, and Rick Martin were present. Committee discussed annual building inspections and who will be attending safety fest this year.

11:30 Airport Board meeting. Merrill Pfeifer, Willis Coffman, Wally Zook, Lonnie Sandford, and John Grewell. Lonnie Sandford moved to approve the July 28, 2016 Airport Board meeting minutes; Wally Zook seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant

