December 31, 2020

Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioners attended a meeting of the Detention Facility Citizen Advisory Committee last evening; minutes from the Committee’s December 16 meeting were approved (attached). Discussed last night’s jail meeting. Blain has been in contact with Sleton construction, that builds jail facilities, to get a second opinion on estimated construction figures.

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined meeting to discuss Cottonwood Road near Warren, if any portion is County Road, and what portion may be a BLM road.

9:30 Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting for his regular appointment. City Hall is still shut down for COVID precautions. Kohley and Larson discussed the Street renaming project for the City of Red Lodge. Last estimate was $40,000, Larson will see if Council Member Mahan is still interested in spearheading that effort.

Discussed propane needs for Detention Facility and reviewed site matrix. Discussion about utility connection costs and possible assistance from State for economic development.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting. Discussed the old dump near Roberts; Robert Mensik is interested in purchasing it from the County. Nixon suggested the County post a No Trespassing sign. Nixon and Commissioners agree that it does not make sense to sell a property with so many unknowns that could lead to future liability. Regarding the Joliet Interlocal Agreement to annex Tract 1-C-1 of COS 982 RB for a future Detention Facility, Nixon has discussed the draft agreement with Sam Painter who assisted in the original draft. Painter agreed that if the Town has conditionally annexed the property the negotiation of an interlocal agreement should not be necessary. Discussion regarding the application for extension/enlargement of services that is a condition of annexation. More discovery in Industrial case. Discussion of Airport Lease agreements. In some cases, historic billing does not match lease figures and in most cases the encumbered area in the lease does not match what is being assessed by the Department of Revenue. Lease payments will be invoiced according to the lease documents and changes will be made when the board negotiates a new lease document in 2021.

Commissioners discussed the Agreement with AM TRACE for per diem COVID contact tracing. Commissioners expressed frustration that Beartooth requested the contract be executed and didn’t utilize.

Newell updated commissioners regarding Historic Preservation Officer services; the Historical Society has a vacancy in the position.

12:00 Adjourned.
