Voter Registration Forms
Other Forms & Resources
- Election Judge Application
- Declaration of Intent for Trustee Candidates
- Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy
- County Offices – Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy
- Precinct Committee people Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy
- Precinct Map
- 2024 Election Handbook
- Military & Overseas Voters
- Candidate with the Commissioner of Political Practices (COPP)
- Campaign Electronic Reporting System (CERS)
Elections & Voter Information

Voter Registration
We are responsible for voter registration, including registering citizens to vote, implementing voter registration changes initiated by voters, and maintaining a voter database.

Election Administration
We create and mail ballots, verify the integrity of returned ballots, tabulate results, and coordinate with entities.

Election Assistance
We provide election assistance to municipalities, school districts, and special districts.
Upcoming Elections
Historical Election Results
Please visit the Secretary of State’s website for historic election results.
More Elections Details
Please visit the Secretary of State’s election page for more information about the following:
- Accessible Voting
- List of Candidates (State/Federal)
- Election Results
- Polling Locations
- Electioneering Rules/Judge
- Student Voter
- Inactive Voter Status
- Voter Identification
- Late Registration
My Voter Status
- If you are registered to vote
- Your voter registration address
- Location and directions to your county election office
- If you are on the list to have ballots mailed to you
- The status of your mailed ballot
- A sample ballot
Military & Overseas Voters
Election Judges
Learn More
Not only does being an election judge allow you to serve your community, it also provides the opportunity to learn more about the election process. If you are appointed an election judge, you may take pride in performing a civic responsibility and guaranteeing the integrity and security of your local elections.
Election Judges duties may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Working together to ensure the polling place is running smoothly and voters are served in a professional and courteous manner
- Being responsible for the security of all election materials
- Setting up and taking down the polling place
- Greeting voters and directing them to the correct area and otherwise assisting voters when needed
- Checking in voters
- Distributing the proper ballots to qualified voters and ensuring that each qualified voter is permitted to vote only once
- Ensuring votes are cast in secret
- Preparing outgoing ballots for mailing and processing incoming ballots for tabulation
- Operating voting equipment
- Securely transporting ballots in teams of two
On Election Day, poll location are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Election judges, are required to be there from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., which is dependent on polling location and shifts. The first hour is for setup. Election judges will set up tables, chairs, voting booths and start machines. Once the polls close, judges will verify materials and prepare them for transport to ensure results may be processed at the central count location.
NO EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED. The elections department will provide training.
Compensation for Election Judges
Not only would you be serving your community, you would be compensated for your time. Election judges will be paid $12/hr. Training hours will be paid only if the judge is appointed.
Please note: Election judges are expected to serve a two-year term and may be asked to assist with other elections during the two-year cycle.
Applications are accepted at any time, however, election judges are selected and trained the first quarter of the year in which a federal general election occurs (even numbered years). Applications can be submitted in person to the election office during normal business hours, by email or by mail. Applications received after applications are processed for the selection of election judges may be held for processing for the next election.
Qualifications & Requirements to Serve
Election Judges must meet the following qualifications:
- I am a citizen of the United States
- I am 18 years of age or older
- I am a resident of Carbon County
- I am currently registered to vote in Carbon County
- I am not a candidate running for office in the election, and I am not a spouse, parent, child or sibling of a candidate or a candidate’s spouse or the spouse of any of these. *
- *This requirement does not apply to candidate for precinct offices
- **Please note: If you are a candidate or relative of a candidate, please inform the Election office. You may still be eligible to serve if you can serve in a precinct in which the candidate does not appear on the ballot.
In addition, Election judges must meet the following requirements:
- I will act professionally, courteously, and impartially while acting as an election judge, I will follow election laws and rules, and I will remain unbiased with respect to election day issues and candidates.
- I will refrain from making personal and political opinion comments while serving as an Election Judge.
- I can work independently, follow procedures and instructions, and I am willing to rotate positions throughout the day.
- I am fluent in reading and writing the English language.
- I am willing to attend at least 2 hours of mandatory training, and I will review the Election Judge Manual prior to Election Day.
- I have reliable transportation and will arrive at my assigned polling place location at my assigned time.
- I will remain at my assigned poll location until 9pm or until I am excused by the Chief Election Judge or other election official in charge at my site.
- I understand elections judges must sit and/or stand for extended periods of time. I have no physical restrictions that would prevent me from performing Election Judge duties.
- I understand that election judges are responsible for the security of election equipment and supplies, and I will handle and monitor all such equipment and supplies exactly as instructed. I agree to immediately report to the Chief Election Judge or other election official in charge at my site any malfunction or occurrence that may threaten the security of the election materials.
- I agree to complete all documentation required for my assigned position’s responsibilities, as accurately as possible.
- I understand that ballot reconciliation forms require that I can apply the fundamental rules of mathematics (addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication). I am capable of and skilled in applying the fundamental rules of mathematics.
- I can provide a minimum two-week notice for cancellations. This allows the Elections Department to find alternate Election Judges to work.
If you can answer yes to each qualification and requirement, we invite you to apply to serve as an election for future county elections.
Candidate Forms
County Offices – Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy
Precinct Committeepeople Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy
Special Districts Candidate Forms
Declaration for Nomination and Oath of Candidacy
School Trustees Candidate Forms
Candidates Running for Office
City of Red Lodge
two (2) year term
Ward 1
one (1) open seat for a two (2) year term
Ward 2
one (1) open seat for a two (2) year term
Ward 3
one (1) open seat for a two (2) year term